The Van Bosstraeten Collection
Our catalogue "The Van Bosstraeten Collection" includes 427 lots. The descriptions are in German, with English translations of objects above a certain threshold. The high-quality thread-bound catalogue on high-gloss paper has the format 22 x 22 cm and shows each item in at least one colour photograph. Since our printshop could not guarantee timely delivery of hardcover catalogues, we opted for softcover to make sure that catalogues would arrive well ahead of the auction - and not afterwards.
The Van Bosstraeten Collection is a carefully curated collection of very rare military historical items. It has grown steadily over the years by upholding the highest standards of quality. The attention for detail and overall superb condition can be found throughout the entire collection. It ranges from the smallest belt buckle to the biggest cuirass. To honour this firm line of quality and cohesion, the Van Bosstraeten Collection is presented in its entirety exclusively at Hermann Historica.
The joy of collecting and the thrill of the hunt, the curating and displaying of treasured finds is reflected in the following pages. We sincerely hope every single piece may instill the same joy to its next owner.
Order number: | A92h |
Number of lots | 427 |
Department: | Collections, Orders & Militaria |