Selling objects at auction is a straightforward process, just as easy as buying. Should you wish to dispose of your treasures, whether they are valuable artefacts or even an entire collection, you are virtually guaranteed to achieve top prices at a Hermann Historica auction.
Just follow a few simple steps:
1. Presenting your objects
The best way of presenting your objects is to send us some clear, detailed photographs.
2. Consigning your objects
Once you receive a positive response from us, the next step is to consign your objects.
3. Writing the description and marketing
We take care of writing the description and marketing your objects.
Got any questions?
Please get in touch! Call us during our office hours from Monday to Friday from 10am to 12am and from 2:30pm to 6pm, at +49 89 5472 6490.
Or make an appointment with an expert, from Monday to Friday 2:30pm to 6pm.
Or send an email to contact(at)
We are looking forward to hearing from you!