A100 Schusswaffen aus fünf Jahrhunderten

| 107 walnut grips, the right one with a window to show the charging status. Blowback system, the barrel fixed in the frame. Fixed rear sights with two unmarked flaps, dove-tailed front sight. After removing the safety lever the lock swivels downwards, together with hammer, main spring and disconnector. In this gun the magazine works as trigger bar. The trigger pull is transferred via the movingmagazine , which in turn releases the hammer to fire. Magazine safety and safety lever. The front strap with finger recesses, the rear strap with two notches, probably in preparation 1138 for a shoulder stock. A very unusual construction, in particular the trigger system. After filing their patent in 1922 LEPAGE tried in vain to get a foothold in the market for semi-auto pistols. Apart from this gun only one other sample with 11 shots is known to exist, also being on offer in this auction. Read more on this gun in the GAZETTEDES ARMES, 2008, issue 396, and in the VDW’s „Waffenfreund“, volume 3. Erlaubnispflichtig. 314381 II + € 3.000